Post by
SouthernTierTom on Feb 23, 2021 12:29pm
15 country EAA agreement with Toray...
came on the day that Valeant, a former CAD darling imploded..."hard lines son" ; - )
Widely known as Canada's worst bio-blunder day in history...
The surprising piece of news is that today's safe haven resides in the phase 1 CAD ACID play....NO, I'm not in the trial ; - )
MMED only down 6% where the Speculator is down a nasty 10% with Captain Smith setting a course for a day full of "Icebergs" .....Is there time to re-arrange the deck chairs? Perhaps knot...let's just get the inducement awards done so these wonderful announcements can move the least the one on the compass pointing right at those North Atlantic "bergs"
Ends up being a pure shame that some body ran this to 70 CAD at yday's close only to paint the glorious pictures of today's RED sea ; - )
Wish I had more ; - )
Bon chance,
Tom ( from the tier )
PS...the dark pools appear to be the course for those steering clear of the Iceberg fields, we've traded over 250K shares all in with totals up in Toronto showing only 25% of that...