Post by
oilandgasman on Nov 30, 2021 11:01am
Questions for the company.
We could work together on asking relevant questions, who knows if or when the chance comes around again?
I'm very curious about the delay in the pump trial and if DeVita actually has a roll.
I'd also like a clear answer on what sets this pump apart from the competitors in the pump market place, besides the pricing.
It might be good to post the questions here..seeing what thses guys will talk about and what they won't it could be helpful.
Comment by
oilandgasman on Dec 01, 2021 10:29am
When did Seto say 60 was doable?
Comment by
Domino55 on Nov 30, 2021 7:14pm
You missed the obvious elephant in the room;" with all the developments of the past 12 months can you elaborate on why the shares trade at 23 cents Cdn?"
Comment by
hmmmmmmmm on Nov 30, 2021 10:57pm
When a CEO misses a short term enrollment projection by 10X, you're rightly going to sell off and it reflected in the share price. When the start of the DIMI human factor trial quietly falls 6 months behind, you're going to see it reflected in selling and share price. They don't need to explain the share price. They need to explain to investors what they are doing, and NOT doing.
Comment by
mercedesman on Nov 30, 2021 11:07pm
When APPLE does a financing and misses their Qtr ( eg top line revenue or units sold) their market Cap does not go down by 2/3rds, or in their case, $1.8 trillion. MM
Comment by
Domino55 on Dec 01, 2021 10:15am
Hm. I disagree, When your FDA approvals are valued at 5 cents per, your late stage PMX confirmatory trial at NOTHING, the share price down 65% in 6 months and down 50% YoY you need to explain that to your shareholders. We are owed an explanation of how 12 months of development has gotten the SP to where it is.
Comment by
Domino55 on Dec 01, 2021 11:43am
MM ; Yes it seems odd to me that some think asking questions about the share price is out of bounds. it is down roughly 60% since the leadership transition, amidst some extremely positive developments. It is the number 1 question in play.
Comment by
oilandgasman on Dec 01, 2021 10:27am
I can say 100% they know where every share is...I know because i've interacted with somone in the company and he commented on my count...I was actually suprised.