AND when the "truth" attempts to become a "game of dodgeball" explore why and how a "tale" can become a "factual documentary" available to ALL those that applied their hard-earned money knowing that management's oath to maintain their role as a "FIDUCIARY" was job#1
downticks into the bid are allowed to trade thru Toronto ( TSE ), most
uptick or "green trades" are moved to the dark pool. As per below, the Canadien trading platform requires "reform" as pure manipulation allows "educated or smart money" to
deceive retail investers and therefore act in an un-fare manner.
EDT - T | 10.0 | 0.245 | · | 0.255 | 0.5 | 0.25 | | | 115.1 | 29 | 30 | 0.255 0.26 0.25 | 0.76 0.15 | 11:25:46 | Dec 03 | realtime |
TSX - T | 10.0 | 0.245 | · | 0.255 | 0.5 | 0.25 | | | 13.5 | 3 | 11 | 0.255 0.26 0.25 | 0.76 0.15 | 11:25:46 | | realtime |
I know the CMO spoke of a "
potential penalty" ( another PP ) for disclosing efficacy to the very limited numbers of players that are NOT privy to what management, Toray, Birch Hill and other BoD members are WELL aware of...see the
"TIGER(is) apparently roaring"
I would ask Dr. Kellum our CMO to detail what the FDA penalty might be for leading naive or retail money astray by allowing a key company executive to share a meaningless and moreso "misleading" piece of data like say,
"62% of those NOT enrolled in the phase 3 trial are dying"? Does the FDA encourage "
lost leader" data a month or so before "top line presentations" are made and the 1 penny bid/ask party is set in motion?
Also, what about the 88 PMX and 106 "SHAM" patients being "messaged" to 90 PMX and 89 "SHAM" patients once the 16 Canadien patients were "removed" MM's light and easy to digest explanation was fine, BUT the phase 3 Euphrates was a "randomized double blinded trial" HOW COULD ALL 16 Canadien patients have received the "SHAM" filter if each and every one of the 16 patients had a 50 / 50 chance of getting PMX? Is Jeffrey sitting in his Bethesda office as we speak flipping a 5 cent buffalo head attempting to dulpicate our "data pack"
I'm confused Dr. Kellum. BUT have never questioned the "cost to efficacy ratio" when our product is used in the "right setting"..."leaky gut" or "translocation of endotoxin" for us less sophisticated types. Lessons learned, but seemingly not from the phase 2 Euphas that required a FULL HALT due to outstanding efficacy.