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Eazeetrade1 on Feb 02, 2023 1:41pm
Any shareholders who are in Toronto Meetup?
I am wondering if there are any shareholders in Toronto who want to meet up and visit Spectrals office and sit face to face with management of not present atleast let them know that people are getting anxious with what they are doing /not doing
Comment by
BayStreetWild on Feb 02, 2023 2:43pm
Tell us how you really feel. HA HA HA Seto needs to go directly from here to the junior mining space on the CSE bouncing from nickel to lithium to gold to uranium depending on the season and whispers of the street where transparency and candid speech are a myth. Where he needs to do 50:1 rollbacks on a 1 cent stock. That way it can only fall so far.