Post by
Stocktree on Apr 07, 2023 11:00am
Not going great, contrary to their interested assessment
According to management and their friend MM (the no 1 apologist): recruitment difficult because of strict enrollment criteria (which they are using to artificially embellish trial results.
BUT: everyone will be feeding on PMX once they will need to pay for it (well you can't have your cake..., or as the new saying goes, not the flex you think it is): see all worthless EBITDA evaluations.
Also, if a doctor were having promising results using PMX, he would
1- be pushing recruitment for their own benefit career-wise
2- be telling other doctors about this great new thing.
Either way, enrollment would be increasing exponentially, without effort.
So the way this trial is going is not at all indicative of the benefit of using this treatment or of future commercial success. Sorry if you wanted to hear otherwise. If you still do, listen to EDT's very honest and compentent management team and their chief pumping helpers.
Comment by
oilandgasman on Apr 08, 2023 10:25am
Same thing i'm worried about, you can't trust Seto or his thinking