Reached 12.6M Unique Visitors in the U.K. and 6.8M Unique Visitors in Canada in January 2022, across web and video combined

Combined Unique Visitor reach ahead of Roblox, Twitch, Activision Blizzard and IGN Entertainment in both markets

LOS ANGELES, March 22, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Enthusiast Gaming Holdings Inc. (“Enthusiast Gaming” or the “Company”) (NASDAQ: EGLX; TSX: EGLX), an integrated gaming entertainment company, today announced that its digital media property ranked as the largest property in the Games category in the United Kingdom and Canada, based on recent digital media ratings from Comscore, a leading third-party media measurement firm.

In the U.K., Enthusiast Gaming reached a combined 12.6 million Unique Visitors across web and video in January 2022, claiming the top spot among all gaming digital media properties:

Top Gaming Properties in the United Kingdom

  Unique Visitors (000)
  Media Metrix + YouTube Mobile Video
Enthusiast Gaming 12,563
Activision Blizzard 5,274
IGN Entertainment 4,169

Source: Comscore MMX® Unique Visitors + VMX® Mobile YouTube Unique Visitors, Games, January 2022, U.K.

In Canada, Enthusiast Gaming reached a combined 6.8 million Unique Visitors across web and video in January 2022, also positioning it as the largest gaming property in this market:

Top Gaming Properties in Canada

  Unique Visitors (000)
  Media Metrix + YouTube Mobile Video
Enthusiast Gaming 6,784
IGN Entertainment 3,432
Activision Blizzard 3,089

Source: Comscore MMX® Unique Visitors + VMX® Mobile YouTube Unique Visitors, Games, January 2022, Canada

“These latest digital media ratings demonstrate the unparalleled reach of our property in two important global markets,” commented Adrian Montgomery, CEO of Enthusiast Gaming. “Combined with our recent record-setting traffic in the United StatesEnthusiast Gaming is becoming the go-to destination for global brands looking to reach Gen Z and Millennials.”

The combined Unique Visitor calculation (Comscore MMX® Unique Visitors + VMX® Mobile YouTube Unique Visitors) is used to measure a property’s total audience in markets where YouTube Mobile Video is not currently included in Comscore’s Media Metrix data. YouTube Mobile Video is already included in the Comscore Media Metrix data utilized by the Company relating to audiences in the United States. The Company utilizes Comscore’s data in its direct sales process.