Post by
JohnnyUtah44 on Mar 28, 2021 6:32pm
Don't Worry About A TSX Listing This Week, the Short Report
MAY have put a delay into the normal process since now they may have to vet the company a little further??
Remember, new reatil gamblers want a ST parabolic move up, but WE as Longs, and have done our DDD know what we have, just saying TSX may not happen this week, but It Will. imhop
Comment by
ZeroExro on Mar 28, 2021 9:02pm
Lets keep the board based in reality when you post nonsense like that someone may actually think you know what you are talking about and I can assure you you do not Sue said it could be any day
Comment by
ZeroExro on Mar 29, 2021 9:59am
Like I said please stop posting thoughts you are having not based on facts If you think the TSX takes the consideration of seekingalpha reports into consideration you need to think better Sue said it last week