Post by
Bever73 on Jul 25, 2018 12:30am
Ultimate scorecard is the share price
And fowler losses...badly. Bring on all your lame excuses but so far bashing harley makes more sense than all you pumpers. Either his plan sucks, or no one believes in him, or they cannot get a message to the street. What a shock a dwarfish lawyer who reverse splits; loses ground to the competition, slow on a build out - will likely reach max production when the supply glut begins, and cannot even figure out how to create an investor package! And you wonder why the street is selling.... #firefowler
Comment by
maritimedreamer on Jul 25, 2018 8:54am
keep spreading the fear Bever....... for those that care.... Fowler and team are focused on Rec no Medical..... has the rec market opened yet? No...... so quit your whinining....... if it was like this 1 or 2 years from now..... then yes i would agree major issue. But until then, stop with your high school remarks about Fowler and get over the reverse split..... it happened.... move on....
Comment by
Bever73 on Jul 25, 2018 9:57am
I could care less about the reverse split , i care about crappy execution. The street KNOWS ABOUT Fires rec strategy ; yet they avoid like the plague... Keep spining your pumping bs.
Comment by
maritimedreamer on Jul 25, 2018 10:09am
rihgt so your telling me Cannacord is about to lose their 80 mill financing they gave fowler over the last few years? you're telling me that noone likes their product? come on man..... i'm just literally speaking the truth... something you should try one day. provide valid facts and i and many on the board will listen