Opt/Gilbert/mrd/transporter etc...... , did you watch the Youtube video posted by Mrd with regards to the supreme MOC action?
Even the individual thought it was quite odd that it occured after market at such a large amount....
Anon sold, but CIB and TD pretty much picked it all up...... average around 2.02 i believe he said.
What was also interesting is how he mentioned it was peculiar that the dump was right on where stop losses would hit.
that where most new-avid day traders would put in a stop loss....... thought that was interesting. I wonder
if somehow this will end up being a good thing for supreme holders? MB it stop lossed many day traders positions....
whom we all know help to deflate the SP when we hit good momentum..... could this of been done to purposely move shares from hands that are
not willing to hold for long to hands that are? just a thought here......