Comment by
prouditalian on Feb 15, 2012 1:48pm
given up on EZ? do you know how to read? They are telling you in black and white that they are selling assetS! not an asset. They are selling MWS to pay me back as a debenture holder. All the money that has been spent on equipment is being sold at a deep discount and shareholders are taking it up the arrse. These guys have fukked you anyway you look at it.
Comment by
prouditalian on Feb 15, 2012 2:31pm
actually Colty, you are even dumber than I gave you credit for. Congrats. Read this article, and read the release, its CRYSTAL clear they are selling both EZ and MWS to pay me as a debt holder. Get that vaseline ready Colty!!
Comment by
prouditalian on Feb 16, 2012 12:42pm
Mr Moron, a stakeholder is NOT a shareholder. They need approval from the parties that have the gold stream ( Franco Nevada ) and those who hold the collateral for MWS. You wont get to vote moron. I will get payed 100% for my notes, you may get something that is left. Could be 0, could be 1.00.
Comment by
prouditalian on Feb 16, 2012 1:57pm
Colty, you are simply a fool and deserve the loss that will be handed to you. As a secured noteholder, I own MWS, not FIU. You will have zero to say in its sale to Anglo. As I said, you could get something after I am payed, or nothing.
Comment by
narmac on Feb 16, 2012 8:46pm
The writing is on the wall,,,, $1.30 share price by end of this year !!! Eze gets sold for top dollar,,,,,,,,gold breaks $2000/oz by mid summer ,,,,,,,,MWS locates higher grade tailings,,,,,,,,and PI gets his measly ol' 7% + the principle mid 2013 as he desribes!! :o) ,,a round of glennfiddich for all !!! Nothing is over until the fat lady sings !
Comment by
JBBminer on Feb 17, 2012 1:22pm
Hey Proud, your sooo smart guy. Let me ask u? what kind of return are you getting for your note purchase? Is is worth the risk of FIU shares instead? And nope I don't belive you own MWS, MWS is your security not your ownership.
Comment by
JBBminer on Feb 17, 2012 1:27pm
Well, good luck to you Narmy. I hope all the best for shareholders..
Comment by
chillyballs on Feb 18, 2012 1:27pm
Well Proud...I guess we will find out soon enough.... in the event that this does fall apart and belly up.... 2012 notes get paid out first.... and then the 2013.... hence the 70% of value.... again... good luck dude!!!!!