Comment by
prouditalian on Feb 28, 2012 2:38pm
colty, you know squat. No shareholder vote is necessary for asset sales. Assets get sold all the time and no vote is needed. I dont own the debentures, I own the 2013 notes which are 100% backed by MWS. I am not shooting shareholders down here, all i am saying is the notes are a no brainer. Shares get the leftovers which can be anywhere from zero to .60.
Comment by
colt451 on Feb 29, 2012 12:35pm
Given that large noteholder's of FIU and FIU themselves have alluded to shareholder consent being necessary I'm inclined to follow what I've read, if you have evidence, i.e. a NR that supports your argument that shareholders don't get to vote then post it, otherwise stop polluting the board with B.S. I' sick of the half as* DD that passes for research on this board.
Comment by
rishshah2 on Mar 01, 2012 2:26pm
what is the valuation of this company???? lets say around 300 million or so...they are in talks to sell the main asset..might aswell sell the whole company for around $ 1.50 a share - debt... shares holders would get around 50 c a share...thats 3 times the current valuation.....time to load up on this...