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Bullboard - Stock Discussion Forum First Uranium Corporation T.FIU

TSX:FIU - Post Discussion

Post by pillio24 on Apr 05, 2012 11:40am

I vote yes

i have 1.2 mil shares aquired over the last 4 years. i lost heavily with fiu and sim but i think it will be better to cut my losses and run from this worthless stock
Comment by valuearb on Apr 09, 2012 9:54am
I have 500k shares, and I'm voting yes. It's pretty clear that there are no better deals out there, and massive dilution is ahead if the deals fail.    I'm curious, so many of the arguments seem to revolve around what someone has paid for the stock, what does that even matter? Why let one mistake (overpaying) dictate another (walking away from the best possible remaining deal ...more  
Comment by uranicynic on Apr 09, 2012 10:06am
Valuearb, welcome to Stockhouse. You might have pointed out that your account was only created today. It seems that a lot of supporters of these deals are brand new to Stockhouse. Why do you think that is?
Comment by valuearb on Apr 09, 2012 10:44am
In my case it's because I wasn't even aware of StockHouse until I started my research on FIU, and became a shareholder a few weeks ago. 
Comment by lefmike1 on Apr 09, 2012 10:58am
LOL Yeah right SHRILL If you wre stupid enough to buy in at this point and you're voting YES it's obvious you don't have a clue as to what is happening here.  The vote willnot carry... Ohh BTW  you bought how many shares in the past two weeks?  500K you say,  go back to school  there were not that many more sold in the period  at least by the same broker.. ...more  
Comment by chillyballs on Apr 09, 2012 11:02am
....there is no question that the folks in charge of putting this deal together are concerned that it will fall apart. They know the deal stinks but tried to put one over on share holders. Well it won't work. This deal does stink and it will be voted down. Airgodaffi is back doing some bashing ...ValueArb is bashing (new account) he/she/it never even heard of Stockhouse before ...more  
Comment by valuearb on Apr 09, 2012 11:20am
I actually started my research in early March, so I've been buying since then. Had 800k shares, but took off some risk when they struggled to get the GoldOne deal finalized. As far as not having a clue, can you explain what I'm missing? If I vote no, we are diluted to a minimum of a billion shares, maybe much more given the price used will be set once the deal collapses.  If we vote ...more  
Comment by chillyballs on Apr 09, 2012 11:31am
@valuearb.... we know guys like you are out there....that is a part of the game but we are trying to prevent people from losing the money they invested to grow this business. They are getting screwed. You will likely make money...on the backs of those that supported the company and got hosed. There will always be that relationship... those they live off of others...they are like ticks, fleas ...more  
Comment by pillio24 on Apr 09, 2012 11:40am
value, it would make sense for someone in your position to vote yes for the sale considering you would have purchased your shares between 13 and 18c. I've been holding on for 4yrs and ready to throw in the towel on this worthless piece of sheeeeit myself.
Comment by pillio24 on Apr 09, 2012 11:47am
I'm voting yes and will be taking a huge loss. If i was in your position i wouldn't think twice about voting yes for the sale. You got in at the right time. good luck to you!
Comment by chillyballs on Apr 09, 2012 12:00pm
OMG.... PILLIO....I think the others are right.... you are a planted stooge. How can you state that will be voting No and will be taking a huge loss... as though you are proud of the loss. Do you honestly believe that you will convince others to jump off the cliff as well.... Really!!!! They aren't stupid!!!   You are not believable at all....
Comment by valuearb on Apr 09, 2012 12:12pm
Oh, so you bought your shares solely as an altruistic act to benefit the person who sold them to you, right?  Without buyers like me this stock would certainly be trading much lower and those who choose to exit would be lose even more money, so I guess I'm just like you, helping others. Regardless of purchase price/holding period, shareholders just want the best possible outcome. I'd ...more  
Comment by valuearb on Apr 09, 2012 12:17pm "Anchoring" is the common mistake investors make to focus too heavily on what they paid for a stock, and not on what it's actually worth. We recieve new information that unfortunately says we overpaid, but we reject it, or don't give it the priority it deserves and hold, hoping to reverse our loss. We all do it, and we'd all be better ...more  
Comment by pillio24 on Apr 09, 2012 12:17pm
@chillyballs I said i would be voting yes. And i clearly stated that i can see why value would too. Considering he would be making a profit. Im not going to call him a moron or someone that was planted here by some corporation to persuade others to do the same. losing is no fun but if you cant take your losses gracefully without bashing someone that has an opinion that differs from yours, then ...more  
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