Afte reading the full artical, it's hard to believe that FT would not be a target of some of the largest mining companies in the world and mentioned and also a raft of others not mentioned and are all likely part of the 42 NDA holders that Robin and company preach that we have.
everything is changing around us driven by electrification in one form or another, the writing is on the wall for battery metals ...the big boys so to speak, are ramping up and interest is gaining momentum very quickly. Many of potential NDA holders are already operating up north. We are ready and far ahead of so many in the field, we are not the biggest source of cobalt but we are an advanced source that could be on line in relative short order. There appears political will to compliment the market requirements, you could not be a mining giant and not notice The Nico deposit and the timeline of which it could evolve. Is FT going to compete with them or will we be taken over. I am pretty comfortable that the resource will not sit in the ground....I am sceptical we could compete ....we can't give the impression that we are waiting for some one else ....we need to forge ahead and answer the questions of processing and when we do we will look like a very differant type of target and that appear to be unfolding before us.... it's going to be interesting.