Post by
sirfartalot on May 08, 2022 9:57am
All in my humble opinion:
As always, due your own due diligence.
(Happy Mother's Day to all the Mums out there too.)
As part of my own due diligence, I have been searching for recent comparables in the event of a hypothetical bankruptcy. (A silver mine comes to mind). Examing a possible/potential hypothetical worst case scenario. As the old saying goes, prepare for the worst, and if the worst doesn't happy, you're better off.
If anyone has any suitable recent examples, I would be interested in reading.
One recent example I have found, is Harte Gold.
Of course, once again, a few reminders for reference:
References more than 130 million invested in the NICO project
References 3.9 million gold equivalent ounces with base case for NICO. Is Sue Diane included ?
Are the current drilling results included in that number ? (i.e. hypothetically, the number should increase with any future drilling ?).
References how to value a junior minor's gold in ground per their opinion:
References gold equivalent ounces:
Good luck to all longs,
We wait, and then we seem to wait some more.
Comment by
sirfartalot on May 08, 2022 10:02am
All in my humble opinion: Darn autocorrect: As the old saying goes, prepare for the worst, and if the worst doesn't happen, you're better off. Not sure how "happy" came about lol.
Comment by
sirfartalot on May 09, 2022 7:14am
All in my humble opinion: It looks undervalued to me. What am I missing ? Good luck to all longs,
Comment by
red on May 09, 2022 9:12am
News !! is expected to show, where the money to do a FS is coming from and you won't be seeing a FS study with out NEWS on a site that we own and we don't know where that money is coming from to aquire that either. The NEWS that we are looking for could be the difference between .05 and .25 lol or whatever. RG needs to make something happen.