Same production profile once we get up and running of approx. 222,000 ozs and that was the best yearly production.
And yet Sibaneye Gold bought them out for $294 million dollars US in get this Oct 2015 when Palladium was approx. $550 .
Now its 5 times that amount for palladium.
So the calculations are :
$294 million US is $365 million Canadian.
5 x $365 million is 1.825 Billion Canadian
We own 80% of that $1.825 Billion or 1,460,000,000 or $1.46 Billion Canadian.
so lets assume taking the cost of the mine off of that 1.46 Billion Dollars and we have
1.46 billion - $665 million and we have a total of 795 million dollars which is roughly $5.25 per share.
What do you all think would you take a buyout of say $5.25 for your shares?
It would certainly make me think fast and probably hit the sell button!
The potential buyer gets a cash cow, and we run off having done really well as shareholders.