Post by
MrMugsy on Jun 04, 2021 9:17am
Exelon ...
To look at Exelon and fear GUD's direction (based on what little we know) is a mistake (IMO).
First - GUD doesn't take excessive risk. So what's up here ?
Second - we don't know why the IP was purchase for Exelon and that alone is a huge mystery as it pertains to Knight. But rest assured, there is a purpose.
Third - the redactions in the Exelon agreement indicate there is something brewing with a third party and they are related to financial and competitive advantage.
Forth - Biogen's drug aducanumab has been under review for a very long time. Don't get me wrong ... I do hope it succeeds and comes to market ... but ... this delay just amplifies the fact that even the FDA and medical community aren't absolutely sold on the product. This drug failed initially but by upping the dose futher (which is all they could do to try and salvage it), some argue it's working while others don't agree. Therefore, at best, it could be a little better than what's out there (assuming no degredation after 90 days and beyond - just don't know that yet).
Fifth - and this is the kicker - I believe the right medication to deal with Alzheimer's and Parkinson's is going to come from the use of gaseous mediators as an assist to an active ingredient. Not only will that allow for less active ingredient to be used, it will boost the body's natural ability to fight aging of the cells. The active ingredient will reduce the tangles cause by tau and H2S/NO will keep the brain cells from aging too quickly. We'll have heathier people taking way less medicaltion while brain cell aging is better controlled.
6th - I think it is very likely that a close partner of GUD's has a better shot at a "real" Alzheimer's/Parkinson's drug for the future. Until that drug (or any new drug) comes to town (if it ever comes to town), GUD will be selling Exelon in markets that are lost in time w.r.t. new technologies. By the time a new drugs like aducanumab gets to South America (years after USA and Europe), GUD will be well established with Exelon and maybe with a new drug like Exelon+ coming down the pipes ... who knows?
One thing is for sure - GUD has a plan for Exelon ... just wish we had more information so we understood as well.
: )
Comment by
Snowballgrowth on Jun 05, 2021 9:48am
So you think Exelon's value is zero if Biogen gets that approval ?
Comment by
Stockoman1 on Jun 05, 2021 12:26pm
Is Chi-Chi confused ? Funny he says Sanofi sold Exelon, but I could swear it was Novartis that sold it to Knight !