Post by
Lookingforclues on Jun 24, 2021 3:21pm
Brief synopsis of GUD etc
As you can see GUD bought Exelon from Novartis, who were 'STRUGGLING' and unable to get it moving into a profit.
Please read Novartis struggles to restore sales of Exelon.
If you read what I have written you will see that there seems to be a problem with Exelon.
Knight Theraputics was founded in March 2014...7 years ago at a price of approx $5.00.
Still in the $5.00 range after many failed attempts to make this Company 'work'.
They have lost talented people and have bought back many $Millions of shares.
I was once invested in it, and listened to MugMod/Mugmods/Mr Mugsy and several other advocates, whose presentations were VERY similar. I sold out several years ago and invested in a real company, where my investment is over 3X
Yes I, and many others lost money on it after the above named convinced us that it was a 2nd Paladin......
I would say to the present readers only one thing......Caveat Emptor.
Thank you.
Comment by
MrMugsy on Jun 24, 2021 4:30pm
I get paid for every time the two of you respond to my posts. Love it ! And by the way ... my comments certainly didn't make you buy shares in GUD - get over your own personal trading issues. Based on my comments - anyone who can't wait for 10 years (as per Goodman's video) has no business being here. But ... nice try pointing your finger. : )