Post by
cavedweller54 on Aug 24, 2015 12:42pm
Something's not right about hvu erosion.
I did a post with my concerns and I think there should be an investigation as to where all that money goes to. They talk about rebalancing but all I see is syphoning off money and saying that's the way these leveraged products work. There's just something wrong with the math here. They did exactly the same thing on their last consolidation. Anybody have any idea what's going on.
Comment by
scotyfilms on Aug 26, 2015 11:12am
Another thing is What the frik is the value of this thing. Its got no P/e its got no value. Its simply a gambling wheel. I think the laws of Wall Street have eroded WAY too far. The Stock Market should be a place where good ideas can be funded and prospered upon. Nothing else!!! This is nothing more than a contribution to the down fall of society.
Comment by
MayorRobFord on Aug 26, 2015 1:28pm
I'd get the F outta HVU if I were holding it. S&P breaking the downtrend.
Comment by
Nakate on Aug 25, 2015 8:38pm
the hft trading algos probably get most of it the rest goes to the rebalancing of the future contracts as it constantly rolls over and currency fluctuations. These things are not for the long haul as the erosion will wipe you out quite quickly if you don't sell the winners when you have them. As they say greedy pigs get slaughtered