Post by
manxcan on Mar 20, 2018 4:44pm
Closed off trades
Holding now as just set post market offers. Bought here in post market as price returned to my prior buy. Sold for profit, rebuy here below $15.75 Uvxy at day low.
Enjoty rest of day, Manx will
Comment by
LongGuy on Mar 20, 2018 5:29pm
So Manx.... your holding over night by choice? Unlike greed. hah. Tomorrow do you think S&P will behave similiar to today? There seems to be a sense of good news to be had from the Feds tomorrow which should drive the market up. Any thoughts? LongGuy
Comment by
paulantoine1 on Mar 20, 2018 6:56pm
yeah doesnt look like the fed talk will hit hard the market tomorrow. BUT if you dont hold it overnight like I stated 2323423 times .. you should be good . more volatility to come ahead. did 4 nice trade today with a grant total of 750 cash out. feel so good sleeping on is gold
Comment by
paulantoine1 on Mar 20, 2018 7:13pm
Nothing is better than holding cash and watch the opportunities like you do all day LongGuy. In and out with a small but constant profit every day quickly add-ups over time. One must do aggressive technical trading and hop on with the best timing possible during the trading day. DS boom. 110% accurate
Comment by
LongGuy on Mar 21, 2018 8:52am
The weekly shows a somewhat uptrend....not the monthly...sorry about that. LongGuy