Post by
Hanalyst727 on May 20, 2021 3:14am
Lumber industry's "Swedish Syndrome"
See blelow: Sure doeesnt look like lumber is over priced. The new prices are just illustrating what a great and useful product lumber is, to an industry that has been such a "bad" business for decades it doesn't seem able to accept it now has a loved and indispensable product.
WSJ article May 19, pg B3
Home Depot's Ted Decker quoted :
Lumber—often cited in re-
cent months by investors and
businesses as a contributor to
inflation concerns—has con
tinued to fly off shelves amid
rising prices, Ted Decker,
Home Depot’s operating chief,
said on the call.
“As soon as that product
hits our stores, it sells,” Mr.
Decker said. He cited sawmill
capacity as a supply-chain bot-
tleneck that was contributing
to higher prices.