Post by
1student on Feb 11, 2022 4:46pm
Not Bad At All . . .
Given the Bank of St. Louis Chief and Federal Reserve Governor James Bullard's comments, with repect to the bond buying program needing to be ended immediately and the Fed's interest rate perhaps being raised a full percentage point before the March 15th&16th Federal Resrve Board meetings and given the global media "broadcasting" apparatus being once again "leveraged" by "the usual suspects" in order to "sow more equities markets induced seeds of fear based actions and reactions", as pertains to "the entirely most senior NATO member fabricated Ukraine affair"; the fact that Ivanhoe Mines Limited share price is holding up nicely, is somewhat reassuring.
Although, when the 18th of March comes and goes and we enter the just over a week period before The Bank of Canada's representative lowers the boom on the Canadian equities markets participants, on March 2nd, if not before; I do expect that even Ivanhoe Mines Limited and other clearly greatly profitable equities issuers respective share price would be subjected to what would be a initial and relatively more brief downward trajectory.
Ivanhoe's share price would be made to experience the resulting effects I've referred to; and yet, Ivanhoe's share price, like the share price of clearly more fundamentally more sound and highest quality equities issuers, would be relatively more quickly rebounding upwards, due to Ivanhoe's share price catching "a major "bid" wave upward resutling from equities eposures "rotation".
Beware "The Ides of March" coming early; and then coming again as we approach the 15th&16th of March.
Play the volatility like a fiddle in the meanwhile; although, you better be sure to be most "insulated" as we more closely approach said dates.
Comment by
BuccaneerJack on Feb 11, 2022 6:48pm
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