Post by
Contrarian58 on Nov 17, 2022 4:49pm
Future Ivanhoe Dividends
I will bet a shiny dollar that Ivanhoe Mines will merge with Ivanhoe Electric before the end of 2025 to get on the NYSE. By then, they will be kicking off more money from their three Africa projects than they can spend on mine development, so a dividend is likely. Yields for mining companies are currently all over the place, from just under 1% for Freeport McMoRan, Tech, and First Quantum to over 10% for Rio Tinto and BHP. My guess however is that something on the order of 2-4% is most likely, depending on the price of the stock. RF is well aware that there are many long time state, institutional and retail, stockholders who have been patient for many years in the hopes of an eventual dividend. It will happen.