Post by
Muffybell1 on Jan 09, 2023 9:29pm
Also the phase 4 concentrator is likely to be
placed right next to phase 3 as we did with 1 and 2. Will be interesting what they say about the construction start for the 4th one and it's size. It is now obvious that they will start the construction of 4 before 3 is completed. Damn this company is good. Now since Makoko also has some very good past drill results along with decent size, I again expect that once we have all 4 concentrators and smelter running, that will probably be the next mine since we have all the infrastructure in place and we will need something to continue spending our huge proffits on. It's better than paying taxes. Also, you never know, there could be a future deal betwen IVN and Ivanhoe Electric since we have the cash and they have some good properties in the US and we have the same Brilliant leader in RF. I personally see many possibilities with this stock. And don't rule out Saudies either.
Comment by
crow27 on Jan 10, 2023 8:25am
there could be a future deal betwen IVN and Ivanhoe Electric since we have the cash and they have some good properties in the US. Agreed, I believe this will happen.
Comment by
Contrarian58 on Jan 10, 2023 9:42am
i agree. That's their logical path to the NYSE and a stock price that reflects the true value of the company.
Comment by
cashtango00 on Jan 10, 2023 12:42pm
If the deal was done that way, we are using our capital to drill projects that are 100 miles from generating cash flows. Spend the money on more prospective land. They can drill till the cows come home at Platreef, WF, or K&K. IVN can get a NYSE listing if they want it now, its certainly not dependent on doing some green field drilling in the US.
Comment by
cashtango00 on Jan 10, 2023 1:02pm
Agree, and my last comment is, yes, the build-out of K&K has been nothing short of remarkable in terms of speed, but if that project was in the US or Canada, they would be heading into their 6th year of permitting and negotiations with green parties and first nations tribes. I trust in the IVN crew to do what's best here.
Comment by
gisellekronk on Jan 10, 2023 1:19pm
" heading into their 6th year " , and that would just be to figure out the dimensions of the table the negotiations would take place around . oh canaduh