I was wondering, but I wonder no longer! Although it's a little more subdued, it's geting back to the norm for Muffybell... the condescending comments and name-calling references are intact, the latest being... babies, wimps and rats...  

I was also wondering if you were reading my posts Muffy... thanks for the confirmation. I'll assume that you have read my previous posts as well in response to some of your other absurd and ludicrous comments. And I feel confident that you are reading this one as well.

Regarding your comment… “… this guy thinks himself to be a psychologist…”. There’s really no need for me to think I am! When one manifests most, if not all, the traits of a certain character, then the deduction is easy. No doubt, you are aware of the idiom… “If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it is a duck.” The shoe fits Muffy... you wear it well.

I see you attempted to make a sudden about face, stating that you are… “kind of sick of name calling”, and your preference… “would be to help people…”.

I vividly remember you writing a very similar post under your previous moniker of Topadvisor, where you indicated that everyone should keep their comments related to IVN and be civil. That very quickly fell by the wayside before you started your tirades and again referred to other posters as rats, dummies, imbeciles, stupidos, morons, idiots, rejects, suckers, brainless, loosers (losers) and the most disgusting of all… RETARDS. Then you disappeared… probably banned by SH, only to resurface as Muffybell.

Your last few posts have been all over the map… one minute you are all about helping other posters, then next it’s back to the name-calling and condescending remarks, and then your comments… “By the way, I no longer share my speculative target price here with the exception of with people I personally know.”, and… “Also, in the future I will not post any of my next investments here…”. Those two comments are priceless. Gosh, I’m sure all IVN posters are broken up about that… how could you be so heartless?

Muffy, you really do have a need for drawing attention to your importance, don’t you… all for the purpose of self-aggrandizement. Man, you are so far up your own behind, you must be suffering from cranio-rectal inversion.

I'm guessing you are familiar with the proverbial saying… "A leopard cannot change its spots"… Civility and respect do not seem to be a part of your repertoire… enough said!!