In order to be free one has to be evil.
Not just potentially and never doi it - but actually and do it all the
That applies to us as well as god.
No evil, no freedom.
And that is the definition of a being, in order to be a being.
To be evil. Otherwise we aren't free.
It's not just the potential to be evil but saying no. It's the potential
to be evil and then doing it.
That's why god is always evil and we are always evil beings, created
in god devil $$$hole's nature and image.
God is infinity years old, who's been everything done everything to the
extent it's jaded and a redundancy of doing everything, over and
over again, for all eternity.
And the only thing that interests it is being free, which is doing evil
all the time. Because if god can't do evil we,
perhaps also known
really as god or god's selves and not ourselves, are not free either.
We as far as we know are really god's selves playing with itself
always and in a sense not evil because of that.
But that is high speculation that can't be proven even it god wrote a
best selling book, called the BABBLE, that, that is what is happening,
and hence the truth.
But going back to how we usually understand god and ourselves to
be, ie as separate different beings, but god never created and we as
created by it.
That if god wasn't evil, then like a jesus character is suppose to be, ie
with a love organ, magic powers ie Xpeople abilities and science as
thinking making it so, then that is what we would be like too and as a gift
from always, not have to so call earn it.
if god was good like that from always.
And as a gift.
It isn't. We aren't !
Therefore goodness is not what god is or we would be it too after
it's image on creating us.
God's not good. Get over it. God's evil, we are too, and things will
never ever work right or they would have an infinity years ago (ie
time measured in our years right now), as a gift without so called
earning it.
Just like god is given everything from always we would have been
too - or at least once created. And in a sense we have been given
it ever since we have been created, but it's a curse, not a gift.
Which is evil drama all the time that never resolves itself.
God is what hates us and why things never work and go to extremes
of evil, all the time.
Good luck trying to accept that,figuring it out differently, keeping one's
sanity and solve what can't be solved.