Said at 4.30 min pt a premium wasn't warranted or waste of money. That could mean fosterville and even macasa did not have the reserves
to keep KL a premium gold stock.
I don't know?
The dividend is 35 cents a share which even with the reduction to .7935
of KL's shares to AEM shares give KL shareholders of AEM a higher
dividend total than got before.
AEM has been paying it the last 4 quarters so a good chance it will keep
going if can maintain the combine income from the merger? Price of AEM is almost certainly a $100 price after the merger. There's a
premium price when factor the conversion price of $68 AEM's price now.
But the premium achieved after the merger.
I'll take that !!!!
And with a combined total of shares of AEM's 244 mil and KL's .7935 of the
present 264mil (roughly 210 mil) = 244mil +210mil = 450 mil outstanding AEM
shares after the merger.
That's good for a 2 for 1 split when price gets too high and it will.
Another premium if belated.
And could get a greater premium if leave some money off the table and a
big correction happens, like it already should have happened. And buy low
witth the money off the table for such a time. Then the money printing forever
resumes the climb of AEM's and other gold stocks.
Till the money printing forever stops because all currencies are devalued
so much the central banks creates another monetary system. Called the
great reset. And cryptos are becoming that even before the great reset to
lure people into the private form of the cryptos market. Later the many cryptos
will be reduced to one, the central bank's, and we will be accounts of that
one crypto, and control our behavior by controlling the central bank accounts
of the citizens. Like china is reducing all cryptos to one right now - the central
bank's crypto, every citizen will be a part of with their own central bank account.
First you lure people in with the great reset or the lure becomes before
the great reset. The great reset being more like what china is doing now
of eliminating all crypto currencies except the central bank's one which
everyone has an account in, and can then be controlled by the account
if don't behave like are told to.
But here is the private phase lure, something like robin hood exchange is
now that trades stocks 24/7. However it will be more than stocks traded
24/7 but eveything pretty well.