Post by
chr905 on Dec 19, 2015 9:21am
sales during a recession
I know Alberta is in a recession but the thing is alcohol use goes up in a recession. i could see the next few quarters of sales being very good. i just made my first purchase of this company. with more to come in the future.
Comment by
biggerr on Dec 19, 2015 9:37am
maybe LIQ should close its stores in the beaten down oil towns and move them to Calgary and BC instead
Comment by
freedom-1970 on Jan 02, 2016 11:03pm
I think the add on business of Cannabis could add 20% to our top line sales in Canada , while adding one stop shopping. Its a great fit ! Maybe a takeover on small plays like V.RUM are in the cards this year ? Options on deals must be endless..
Comment by
mercatos on Jan 02, 2016 11:37pm
If Wikipedia is correct 130 stores with 1.5 billion in sales. Nice store avg of over 11 million per store. Hell ya the states is where Liquor Stores needs to grow.