Post by
Goldbuggy1 on Jan 21, 2016 7:54am
RBC Capital
On RBC Capital's November Analysis on LIQ they gave this company an Enterprise Value of $425M which is before the purchase of New Jersey. This EV is the price one would reasonably expect to pay for the company before subtracting debt and adding a Premium to entice investors to sell. Using November figures the companies Long Term Debt was about $84 then which Inventory and Equipment in this sale would cancel each other out. That only leaves the $66.7M in Debentures to pay off then. So $425M - 70M = $355M. Now divide this by 27.5M outstanding shares and you end with a share price value of about $13 / share. Interesting to note that RBC Capital is calling for a share price now of $12 / share down from $14 / share which is reasonably expected. So no matter how you calculate this and from any angel, at $6.56 this share price is way too low and a great value right now. You don't stop buying shares in a profitable Fire Works Factory just because you are afraid it may blow up one day. The risk is always there but no different than any other stock either. There is more Oil Refineries blowing up than Fire Works Factories. Banks that go Bankrupt to.