Be careful what you read here. It sounds like guys are pumping the stock because they just sold the farm and dumped it into this stock. It could be a big mistake. The average grade last quarter was 3-1/2 grams....thats pretty sad.
The guidance for the year was promised to be 85,000 to 100,000 ounces. All they produced in the first three quarters is 62,000 ounces. Again...pretty sad.
The mill was supposed to be producing 3,000 tpd by now. What happened??? its maybe 2/3 of that. They may be able to bump it up a bit after spending millions on the mill expansion, but now they are saying it will reach 3,000 in the second quarter of 2013. How can they meet 100,000 ounce target for this year? Not a snowball's chance.
The company says that capital spending will drop DRASTICALLY next year. Yet they try to hype Fenn Gibb and Bell Creek. They need money to develop them. It would take more than a billion dollars.
The stock has tanked for a reason.
good luck to all and be informed before you dive in.