Sorry Geoff13...
It was voted down May 4, 2011.
Click on above...go to page 22.
The proposal was withdrawn by Management...there are a number of institutional investors that want out of this...they take every opportunity to exit...stage left.
There are so many better plays to put your money to work...they are years away from making any significant profits.
There cash cost may eventually go down to between $800.00 to $900.00...but...their overall costs will be well above industry standards for years to come. Overall costs are probably running around $1,400.0 to $1,500.00 per ounce. at the present time.
Their "cash burn" is signifcant and will continue into the future.
My it was 6 months ago...move on...get your money working in a better play that has been smashed and is making the turn with potential for significant share price appreciation.
I wish you all the best...but...come must of "gotten it" by now.
Best Regards,
P.S. Any take-over will result in a premium of only between 20-30%. This will be enough to satisfy the many that want out.