Post by
Mbxwatcher on Apr 29, 2021 2:36pm
Legitimate questions
I enjoy this board and read it everyday.
I dont have much to contribute at this time, but will say i am dissappointed with the timing of the financing. Overall it is a fair deal, and if it is in fact applied to significant growth, I may come to love it at some point.
My only point in posting today, is to say that I believe all the inquiries on this board are legitimate.
It is fair to wonder why the financing is so much and why now, given that the press release really gives very little explanation as to the size of it.
It is also fair to point out that there are alot of outstanding warrants that are in the money and wonder why that revenue cannot be tapped as opposed to further dilution.
It was fair to ask why the Plexxus deal took so long.
Cameron and the current management team have done a great job, and I look forward to owning shares here for a long time. I think that asking questions is a good thing, and we should keep doing it. As well as some of the great posts, that are made here about how much VTM we import, and how big that market is, the questions as to why the financing was done now and to these levels are legitimate. Hopefully we get some more commentary on that in the near future
Comment by
Mbxwatcher on Apr 29, 2021 5:41pm
Thanks. To me this is valuable dialogue Why else have a bullboard
Comment by
RazeKreations on Apr 30, 2021 1:52pm
This is an extract from the announcement. "Net proceeds from the Offering will be used primarily towards expansion initiatives and general corporate purposes." I take that as to mean they are planning for expansion of production capacity and associated costs. This is a good thing IMO
Comment by
RazeKreations on Apr 30, 2021 11:54pm
With the doomsday people it becomes a self fullfilling prophecy. One panics and the rest follow. Everybody else sits back and watches or buys at the discounted prices. Anybody who is paying attention knows that MBX is going to do very well. Wishing everybody well and hang on to your stock. You will be very happy in the not to distant future