Post by
TFSAfunds on Jan 15, 2022 2:21pm
Just think...
exactly six months from today those pesky 11 cent warrants expire! There goes one of Freddie's talking points... lol.
Comment by
FreddieSanford on Jan 16, 2022 10:58am
Hey TFSAfunds ... attached to those warrants are cheaper priced common shares. No way of accounting for what's been washed out or not by now. Averages brah ... that's how you get to a no warrant raise.
Comment by
TFSAfunds on Jan 16, 2022 6:25pm
Freddie... and it is precisely those "cheaper priced common shares" that allowed this Company to still exist! It's a year and a half since they were purchased and they've been in the money ever since. I'm sure any shares that were there for "washing" have been thoroughly cleaned... Or maybe, some wanted a 20X return and are still waiting for the $1.50 ... lol.
Comment by
killr on Jan 16, 2022 8:38pm
Yup...I'm still waiting.... : )