Post by
EstevanOutsider on Nov 20, 2017 9:57pm
Trican was 0.40 cents in 2016
And now $4+. Just a reminder of how quick things can change in so little time. Patience is a virtue and Newalta will be back too.
Comment by
compsys68 on Nov 21, 2017 11:55am
The 64K question is... "What will NAL's catalyst be for movement back above the 2.50 level?" ....My guess is 1. end of this year (tax loss selling to be over) 2. announcement of further improving EBIDA 3. Completion of the refinancing at a rate under 6 % maybe ever under 5% but I'm not holding my breath on under 5% What do you think the catalyst will be ?
Comment by
compsys68 on Nov 21, 2017 6:12pm
Thanks for your input EstevanOutsider... I would like to hear from the other posters what they think....don't be shy people....
Comment by
compsys68 on Nov 23, 2017 10:58pm
One of the best posts on this board for a long time..... and yes today was a better day, but at 58.00/WTI its soooooo Ugly that we are not over 2.50. We better get a AMAZING rate on the refinancing... 6.5% or less..... Again Turnaround KINGNICEPOST !!!! Once NAL is back over 5.00 we should meet for a Drink.... YYZ OR YYC ???