Post by
Casualsuccess on Jul 05, 2022 12:11pm
33% Loss
Looks like the minig collabarator has lost One third of his investment at 2.70 per share. The other major investor may hav lost 66% or two thirds of his investment in a matter of months. Does anyone know if he has been terminated from his place of employment. Thats twice Dan the Con Man as he is known on this board, sold shares at high prices. Each time the shares immediately collapsed. Since all here like to extend news well into the future, I will do the same. I will give the collaborator to the end of the year to terminate the collaboration. Thats December 2022 for those that can not calculate time.
Comment by
Teccing on Jul 06, 2022 10:52am
How many faces are you casualty. Loss, and profit are after you sold. If successful companies are those who's price is over valued. Then Nortel would be the go to stock. But a course it no longer exists. Nano has zero debt, and if you don't understand zero, you don't understand nothing. $50 mil in the bank, great technology, now that's something.
Comment by
Urallsheep on Jul 06, 2022 11:22am
teccing ur a moron it's technically no one want or is using. And absolutely they don't have 50 million they have pennies just like there stock. There is a reason it's going down maybe you don't understand anything.