Post by
Starsearcher80 on Sep 08, 2023 1:21pm
The selling looks to be very retail, with TD being by far the largest seller of net 55,000 shares. Retail typically has an uncanny way of noting where the bottom is through their selling. Right when they are selling, they should be buying.. And then, typically the stock moves up from them pegging the bottom. That way, their pain is doubled...selling at the bottom and then watching what could have been, as the stock recovers.
Comment by
Lawisfun on Sep 08, 2023 1:41pm
Selling oil and gas options (peaking right now) to buy Nano One share (bottoming right now) may prove to be the best swing trade of my career. good luck to all the longs. and to the shorts: please keep selling me your shares.
Comment by
Starsearcher80 on Sep 09, 2023 6:38pm
You only have to read your first sentence, suggesting any major deal is "a few years out", to realize you don't have a clue what you're talking about. No need to say more. You've outed yourself more than adequately enough.
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Teccing on Sep 09, 2023 8:58pm
Keep tag team pumping, I've been in for five years, okay at my price.. Realist
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Starsearcher80 on Sep 10, 2023 3:40am
You're nothing more than yet another Clown (or more likely the same resident Clown) with nothing of substance to offer to the discussion. One or two sentences at most. A total lightweight, outing themselves with their own inadequate mental horsepower. Now, where's that Ignore Button. Buh-bye Clown!
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Teccing on Sep 10, 2023 11:34pm
I was going say, Stop running around your pom poms, and tights, and put on a pair of pants. But I won't get into childish name calling.
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Lawisfun on Sep 08, 2023 4:59pm
Invaluable insight. Today was a great day. good luck to all the longs.