Post by
LTinvestor9 on Nov 02, 2023 4:19pm
Nano One Price
Remember that Summitomo recently purchased
5% of NANO at $3.07. I would suggest that they know
a lot more what is going on at NANO than any of
us on this bulletin board, especially the bay sayers
Comment by
Teccing on Nov 02, 2023 11:54pm
Summitomo market cap is $3.74 trillion USDs I wouldn't put too much into their stake.
Comment by
Teccing on Nov 03, 2023 9:46am
Yeah it's greatt, but a $4 lotto ticket would be a more onerous experience for me, in comparison to their investment.
Comment by
LTinvestor9 on Nov 03, 2023 10:03am
I am saying that Nano should be trading much higher than $3,07 because a $25 billion market cap company invested in it. This is a huge positive.
Comment by
Teccing on Nov 03, 2023 12:24pm
I'm in Nano, let's be real, too much chear leading. $5 billion, is $5000 million, $3.74 trillion is astronomical. Yes they have interest, but haven't taken any risk. They could buy Nano out right, without any difficulty.
Comment by
Lawisfun on Nov 03, 2023 12:58pm
Can you confirm your market cap reference? 3.74 Trillion seems outrageously high for Summitommo.
Comment by
Lawisfun on Nov 03, 2023 12:59pm
Lol...OMG you are talking about $3.74 trillion YEN!!! BahahahhahahH
Comment by
Teccing on Nov 03, 2023 4:42pm
No worries, as a investor I prefer critical thinking from management, and other investors, I do believe management is not stagnet, but progressing. . I work for a green energy company, the biggest hang ups, is when you ignore critical thinking. Cheers