Typically leadership is confirmed based on about 20% of all possible votes being cast. This means that retail (who own a significant fraction of total outstanding shares) have much greater control of Nano One than most likely realize.
The fact is, most retail shareholders do not vote and therefore insiders and institutional funds get to decide the leadership team and corporate goals/direction. Retail can easily have a voice regarding these decisions if they can be galvanized to vote for what they want.
Nano One needs a major partner with deep pockets to take control of this company. As in, Nano needs to sell majority control to a major who knows how to take this process technology to market.
That can be Worley, or SMM, or BASF, or Rio Tinto, or Umicore, or Tesla, or Volkswagen, or etc. Any of those parties would likely gladly pay $6 CAD a share for a 51% controlling stake in Nano One.
This is what retail should be voicing and using our voting power to enforce.
Make your voice heard to Nano One management. Pick up the phone, write emails, and make certain you vote your shares.
good luck to all the longs.