Lots of Subjects - 14% iron can support 2 concentrates based on 46% Fe / each con
2023 PFS has 6 concentrate examples. Under the concentrate chart it shows equations for
4 - bulk con ( eq 1, 2, 5, 6 )
2 - Cu - ( eq 3, 4 ) bulk con not shown
https://ceo.ca/@newswire/nickel-creek-platinum-announces-positive-pfs-for-its#google_vignette Phase 2 Metallurgy Test Example - Head Grade = 0.29 gpt Pd
Recovery =
53.9% = 0.156 Pd grams
recovery factored Nickel Copper Separation Commercial Scale
Cu Concentrate Pd = 2.6 grams
2.6g ~ 0.156 g
= 16.6 tonnes processed This same Copper Commercial recovery columb
Head Grade = 0.15% Cu
Recovery 59.6%
= 0.089% Cu recovery factored
x 16.6 tonnes
= 1.47 % Cu How is it.... 18% copper ?
In order to achieve 18% copper the ore grade would have to be,
18% ~ 16.6 tonnes
= 1.08 % copper per tonne 437 million tonnes x 1.08% copper
4,719,600 tonnes
x 2200 lbs
= 10,383,120,000 billion lbs ??? I've seen other junior met studies where extraction ends up
with higher grades than initial - head grade.
Points to - ore is richer than lab assays
MET assays or Extraction can reveal different grades.
Which begs,
if most recoveries are over 50%
Why are the payable metals - 25% recovery or less ?
2.4 billion lbs Ni turns to,
614.3M lbs nickel ???
= 25% recovery ??? What does Wellgreen look like again ? Could this green coloration =
Copper Malachite ? In my former post - pdf - reveals Qill area with vergy good copper / nickel grades.
Base ore mining cost @1330m = C$1.99/t, Base waste mining cost @1330m = C$2.26/t Why factor both ? Should be just cost to mine each ore tonne.
Then, removal cost to pit.
Deposit = Ore body One category of, cost to mine each tonne - period.
It's not being processed....or is it ???
I don't see CNC or FPX with waste ore mining cost. Hmmm.
NCP's 6 eq concentrates is.... not explained in PFS very well.
Sure... it shows the equations...
But.. which concentrates did they use 2 cons, 3 cons, all 6 ?
Which brings this subject to, post title. Waste ores.
If not enough iron to support no more than 2 concentrates.
What if CO2 played a far more profitable role ? Magnesium Markets Will Grow = 6x larger 2030
What other market will grow ?
Ferrosilicate By Default - if one seq co2 in Mg silicates what would result ?
- Nickel carbonate
- Magnesium Carbonate
- Silicon Carbonate
CO2 Silicon = Silicon Carbide
The other day... i heard they want to decarbon iron.
Would it be prepping for... silicon carbide loaded with carbon ...?
Carbon strengthens steel.
Too much weakens.
Could steel market be readying itself for an influx of
enmass silicon carbonate ?
The Silicon Carbide price in United States decreased during Q1 2023 to 1,523 USD per metric ton Magnesium Carbonate is 895.402USD/MT That former post containing pdf,
revealed TiO 10+% in carbonates.
Titanium is nonferro.
Like to run with carbonates and aluminum.