Post by
MyHoneyPot on Feb 11, 2021 12:30am
Helpful Neighbor
Perhaps POU could broker a deal for NVA, i am sure there in interest in NVA and having the 40 million shares would help a company in its bid.
I think if a suitor approach POU and offered them $1.75 for their shares they would give them all to them and take the proceed, 70 million dollars and reduce their debt by another 10%.
I can't see NVA has much of a future, and with no activity for two quaters, it is not go to be a wornderful looking Q4 report is my guess.
There is only so much you can do with an over weight debt profile, you really can't dress NVA up.
Comment by
Gassy166 on Feb 11, 2021 9:23am
Hp why didn't you give pou some guidance on there investment in nva, they seemed to think it has great assets and was seriously undervalued. Having management with such poor decision making as pou must be a major concern?