Post by
DanielDrippin on Oct 08, 2022 9:07pm
Eh WG1
Im reading the nfg financials. Yes, I know how to do that.
Did you know that in the last statement nfg is down to 1m shares of nvo, down from 6.6m in the previous yr?
Do you think Henry told them to sell their nvo?
Why would he do that?
Dan Snortsaplenty
Comment by
mortgages101 on Oct 10, 2022 4:01pm
Novo gonna have to update that presentation they put out in September. Looks like NFG has about .45% of the float vs the advertised 2.79%. Honest mistake I gather. NFG sold 5M shares between April 1st and June 30th. Those in the money WG?
Comment by
BuccaneerBarney on Oct 10, 2022 7:58pm
I suspect the Sept statement of nfg will show they sold the rest. Bucco