Post by
westcoast1000 on Feb 22, 2023 7:17pm
Continued lack of news
The presentation at the CAR-TCR summit at 5 pm London UK time is over. There seems to be no notice or coverage of this talk on the ONCY web site. In that case, it seems the quiet period continues to be in place.
That should be encouraging for all investors, in the sense that our assumptions about news blackouts are not contradicted. Howver, an encouraging talk on the potential for pela with CAR therapy would have been appreciated also.
Comment by
Noteable on Feb 22, 2023 7:48pm
ONCY remains in a quiet period of "Thoughtful Planning" - while in discussions with the FDA and potential Big Pharma acquirers.
Comment by
fox7mf on Feb 22, 2023 9:09pm
Definitely. Makes you wonder if indeed the PFE 90-day exclusivity is over, and if Onc is in the process of sharing Bracelet data with any and all other BP's. One massive bidding war could be brewing, and could delay NR's for a the benefit of shareholders.