High quality condensate
- local demand • 40 – 50 API
MURPHY Results (March 2020)
Testing the shallower window at Two Creeks
• ~2,700m vertical depth
Line of sight to multiwell pad efficiencies
• <C$7MM development well cost target
Competitive economics (2P McDaniel’s bookings)
- IP30 795 boe/d & EUR 645mmboe (71% liquids)
- 20 month payout & $6MM NPV10
Latest Result are better then Anticipated. Murphy Recent results include a two well pad at Kaybob East
(15196417W5) IP30 1400 boe/d per well (87% liquids) and an
IP90 of 1,125 boe/d per well (84% liquids),
Two Creeks (133164 15W5) which IP30 of 1,300 bbl/d (100% liquids) and an IP90 of 900 bbl/d (100% liquids).
Condensate $67 * 90 * 900 = $5,427,000 amost paid for in 90 days.