Sinclair Montney Lands Slide 14 Link Did JR pull another Rabbit out of his hat, likely not....
These Sinclair Montney Lands are the product of efforts over a multi-year period, where Paramount Experts who are always scanning the landscape have put together a premier montney land block, massive in size 167 section of land all on trend with Karr and Wapiti.
Paramount is great a bring new prospects to the forefront, they owned a majority of the sweet spot now Kakwa, they they moved to Karr, then Wapiti, and now Sinclair.
Sinclair is bigger than Karr and Wapiti combined, and lets add another prolific Liquids Rich montney play into the hopper for Paramount.
Paramount is the cheapest oil and gas company in the Market Place, and even the like of Eric Nuttal have come around to realize this.
Paramount has to many ways to make shareholders money with their capital and they don't subscribe to Nine Points cash evaporation strategy from the balance sheet.
POU is run by a professional and the management and faimly is highly invested in this business.
POU is a bargin at these prices and i have been adding agressively.