Post by
pjecan on Dec 16, 2020 4:03pm
A Question for Those That Might Know.
If it is the shorters that are depressing the price do they have a price target in mind or do they keep going until they commit shorter suicide?
Comment by
Breizh1 on Dec 16, 2020 4:07pm
ANSWER: you are paranoiac! Leave shorters alone they will have to live with the risks!
Comment by
TRauhala on Dec 16, 2020 4:12pm
The whole shorter thing is as much myth a it is reality. Shorters are the boogeyman that is used to account for the fact that the market isn't that enthusiastic about this stock right now and people are just selling. PYR undoubtable has a good future, it just may take a while to get there
Comment by
pjecan on Dec 16, 2020 4:21pm
I see your point but the fact that the majority of trades are in 100 share lots contradicts that I would think.