Hopefully the pun in the title wasn't lost on anybody.
I hope this message finds all of it's readers, from every position on the spectrum of investing in a healthy and happy place in life. It hasn't been too long since the News Release for 36 potential torches came out, and after the share price bump, it was bound to happen that many without patience would begin to sell shares, and the downward share price pressure would be high enough to force the price of Pyrogenesis shares down.
The Question: How do we make money though if the price goes up, only to come back down in the following days and weeks?
The Answer: Patience. Some people will push the idea of trading the highs and lows of companies, and that is a wonderufl way to make money for sure, but remember, if you do well at this, your capital gains taxe is likely to be about 30% of trading profits..... That means that your $100,000 just turned into $70,000. In order to overcome that sort of tax loss, you will need to make an
EXTRA 43% PER ANNUM more than the investor that holds the security, if we are to assume that the security, in this case Pyrogenesis, will be compounding and growing annually.
Now YES, when the long and patient investor finally sells after several years, they will pay that tax as well, but they will be WAY AHEAD financially because the "taxes they didn't have to pay" stay in their trading account and compound annually. The end difference is quite substantial. This is not to say that there is not money to be made in trading highs and lows, there certainly is, but you must be proficient, and correct, every single time you make that trade.
Volatility is our friend. Our SECOND BEST friend. Why? The more the stock price swings up and down from it's average, the more volatile the stock of the company is, and that produces deeper discounts to buy.
Pyrogenesis is NOT going to be worth $100 a share tomorrow.
Pyrogenesis MIGHT be worth $100 a share some day.
Between now and that time that it is, the price is going to go up, and down, over and over. Ideally, and in all likelyhood, the lowest of lows will increase over the years, and the highest of highs will as well, along with the average price.
Volatility is our SECOND BEST friend. Our BEST friend is knowledge of the company we own. Truly knowing the company, where it is going, the possibilities, and the insides and outs of it.
KNOWING what you own, allows you to understand when the share price is fair,cheap, or BLOWOUT priced.
When we are at a party with both our BEST friend, and SECOND BEST friend, it is ALWAYS a good time. We wait for the blowout prices, and we add to our position. Our best friend keeps reminding us not to sell, because we haven't explored the full potential of this company yet, and our second best friend keeps telling us when it is on sale over time. What could be better! PATIENCE.