Post by
StairwayTo on Sep 14, 2021 4:59pm
Very bullish indicator
PYR Nasdaq today’s volume of 2.5M on an average of 150K per day, not seen before such an interest, coinciding with a jump of 12% in SP
In comparison, PYR TSX volume of 1.1M for the day. Usually the way around, double volume on TSX vs Nasdaq.
Comment by
Koooo on Sep 14, 2021 5:13pm
Like I told you guys just put it in a tsfa and forget about it for a couple of years. Who here doesn't think that it can't be a $30 stock a couple years out. That's a 6 bagger. Now what the hell is wrong with that. Just that 36 torch contract should push us to 15 bucks. I mean there's a very respectable chance it could be 15 or $20 by Christmas. We'll see. Kooooo