4/16/2021 following a sudden decline in its stock price
…. Last, but not least, the Company wishes to reassure PyroGenesis’ investors that the Company remains on track with current and prospective projects. “We just want to take the time to reassure investors that the recent decline in stock price cannot be explained by any undisclosed events taking place within the Company,” said Mr. P. Peter Pascali, CEO and Chair of PyroGenesis. “Although we rarely speak to our pipeline, I feel it appropriate to make an exception under the current circumstances. If we are conservative and define the pipeline as being those contracts where we are either in final discussion as the sole supplier, or in a leadership position in a competitive bid, and if we further narrow the definition by looking only at contracts that are expected to be signed within 6 months, then the pipeline is in excess of $65 million
Say that again? 6 months ago:
“Being conservative”
“In excess of $65 million”
“Within 6 months”
That could have been $90 million or $120 million in May or June or July, or ….. NOT
It is frustrating to be miss-informed
- Speed of light
- Thousands of torches
- Clients ABC, DEF, GHI…..
- More that I can count on my fingers
- Imminent
- I can confirm that the Company has visibility on more torch orders than that alluded (9/11/2020)
- More than 1-2 torch deals in well under 3 months, let alone 3-6 months (9/11/2020)
- And the latest about minimum $65M
Doesn’t look good for potential $billion clients that would like to deal with a $18million public company that uses these NR words and can’t perform
Just saying,
Either do it or shut up and be honest!