Post by
Uncleron on Nov 11, 2021 5:14pm
Politicians start war's
patriotic young men fight & die to end those war's...It's time to put those politicians on the front lines , then no more war ?.. My heart goes out to the millions who suffered in all of those war's...for what , or for who's profit ?.... ....uncleron is always right !..cheers
Comment by
Breizh1 on Nov 11, 2021 5:17pm
Amen Uncleron. Politicians trigger the wars and young men die to satisfy the ego of these politicians.Times have not changed.
Comment by
windywolf on Nov 11, 2021 6:18pm
Heya UNC. I know there has been many useless war that solved nothing. But we had to stop Germany and Japan there was no choice. And i am very grateful to these men and women who suffered and died so that i can be free today.
Comment by
windywolf on Nov 11, 2021 6:44pm
Chamberlian was and appeaser who thought if you feed the crocodile he would at least eat you last. Winston Churchill was a man for his time.
Comment by
wrongsideoftrax on Nov 11, 2021 7:22pm
You want the truth about the wars, must watch "Europa:The last battle" 5 part documentary...look it up on bit chute. Eye opener to the perpetual lies we have been taught in the western indoctrination camps we call school.
Comment by
windywolf on Nov 11, 2021 7:36pm
Not sure where your coming from but the west is still the best of the worst.
Comment by
Casavantsghost on Nov 11, 2021 8:49pm
As a Veteran, I will second this from you and interestingly enough.. Here in a Liberal Russell Brand, is making more sense than anything coming from either party.. So during election debates, Biden said no weapons to the Saudi's.. and now? Cracks me up.. and nothing from that side of the aisle demanding a wtf..
Comment by
windywolf on Nov 11, 2021 9:32pm
Awesome UNC. Thumb for u.
Comment by
ITSUP2ME on Nov 11, 2021 8:34pm
Religious beliefs start wars.