Post by
Winston123 on Oct 15, 2022 11:02pm
Induration Furnace fun facts
The typical furnace has anywhere between 25-40 fuel burners. Each burner is pumping out a whooping 15,000,000 btu/hr. Divide that by 140,000 btu and u get 107 gallons per hr. Times that by 4 and you get , let's say 400L to be nice. So that's 400L per burner per hr. Now times say 20 burners(small furnace). Ok so 8000L per hr for the induration furnace. But wait. It runs 24 hrs a day. Oh my. 8000x24=192000L per day. Those dual tanker trucks you see at your favourite gas station are 50000L trucks. So thats a grand total of 4 dual tanker trucks per day in one small induration furnace. Wowzers. Now 192000L x $1.50 = $288,000 per day. It shouldn't be a surprise that these companies want to switch out heat sources. They have a dirty little secret. Once the masses find out they be begging for plasma torches.
Comment by
COGT on Oct 16, 2022 1:14am
Good one Winston ! Gordoni,TamamaHack and Sore One will be out for your knees for making sense and splaining apparent simple torch math . GLTA
Comment by
therealmccoy on Oct 16, 2022 9:23am
give it a rest sorryson,, you continually post fud and paint everything in a negative light.... drink your morning coffee and get a life, , look yourself in the mirror and ask how you can make you and the world a better place.... and take tamarackflop with you.... PyroGenesis is the real deal,, this train is just getting started,, , and i'm thereaImccoy!!!!
Comment by
sorrenson on Oct 16, 2022 9:40am
So we should leave posts which have bunker costs at 3 times reality and ignore plasma costs Sounds like you absolutely dont want investors told the truth.....pathetic ,, I wouldt think an honest person would want the truth out there, you wouldnt want investors mislead would you.?
Comment by
filoux004 on Oct 16, 2022 9:48am
Very impressive Rebutal SOLID thanks sorrenson , puts things into perspective. Peace
Comment by
Winston123 on Oct 16, 2022 9:58am
Oh I forgot to mention bunker C is not diesel fuel. So yeah your numbers are off. Bunker C is a toxic tar like sludge that barely flows at room temperature. It actually needs to be prewarmed with steam before it can be ignited in a furnace. So now you ask. Where does the steam come from? You guessed it , more burning of fossil fuels.
Comment by
Winston123 on Oct 16, 2022 10:04am
And one more thing. I'm not scared of the truth. Even if plasma torches cost more(which they don't when you factor everything in) I would still chose the plasma. Just like I'll be choosing an electric car for my next vehicle. You know why? Because their better! Accept change. Be happy. Enjoy your weekend
Comment by
raphaelle2 on Oct 16, 2022 11:52am
Dont cry...we like you too...your so pathetic its funny...and a good laugh, like an apple, is a sure way to keep the doctor away LOL GLTA.
Comment by
filoux004 on Oct 16, 2022 10:34am
Sorrenson you are on a mission this morning Drop the Mic!!!! Will wait for a firm contract. Thanks for the math. Peace