Pyrogenesis have client and partner list that is world renown and impressive such as:
1) M’aaden (Premier Aluminum Smelter) Multi-Billion Mkt Cap
2) Multinational Iron Ore Producers Multi-Billion Mkt Cap
3) Fincantieri Billion Mkt Cap
4) Aubert and Duval Multi-Billion Mkt Cap
5) Japanese Trading House Multi-Billion Mkt Cap
6) Premier Non-EU Aerospace Company
8) US Navy
This is just a list without too much detail:
3D Additive Powder(world class w competitive edge) - Now in process to be validated and accredited by world class premier Aerospace company
DROSITE (clearly demonstrated to beat out other big players in the industry),
USA MILITARY PAWDS(the highest of highest standards to get accredited),
Waste Destruction(countless applications)
PUREVAP QRR (1 step to solar grade silicon and now silicon nano powders and wafers for EV batteries) and FUMED SILICA
IRON ORE TORCHES. Replacing diesel fossil fuels in iron ore pelletization, metallurgical, steel another industries(massive potential and various other possible applications) etc...
So this is why I still fully believe this company can morph into somehing unimaginable!!!